Every member of our care team at Boulder Oral Surgery is dedicated to your comfort and safety. Oral surgeons are qualified in the safe administration of anesthesia in addition to receiving years of education and training beyond dental school to be able to perform the wide scope of treatments involving the oral and maxillofacial area.
Dr. Nedbalski, Dr. Chai, and Dr. Luter design a custom treatment plan for every patient. The type of anesthesia you will receive for your treatment will be discussed and selected during your first visit.
Boulder Oral Surgery performs a wide scope of oral surgery procedures and offers many types of anesthesia for the comfort and safety of our patients. The anesthesia that will be used for your procedure will be selected by your oral surgeon. Your health history, personal preference, and unique treatment plan will all be considered when making the decision on which anesthesia is right for you.
There are four common types of anesthesia:
Dr. Nedbalski, Dr. Chai, and Dr. Luter at Boulder Oral Surgery & Dental Implants are and qualified in the safe administration of anesthesia. Our surgical and administrative care team will make every effort to ensure you feel comfortable about your treatment. To discuss your treatment options, including your options for anesthesia, we encourage you to contact us in Boulder or Longmont, CO.